Student Support

Welcome to Student Support Services at GEMS World Academy - Dubai. We are an inclusive Academy that takes great pride in providing support to students based on their individual needs. 

The Academy's Student Support Services department was rated OUTSTANDING in the 2018-19 DSIB inspection.

"Every day, in every classroom, all students, including those identified as experiencing special educational needs and disabilities, will learn and achieve in a safe, supportive, engaging and appropriately challenging common learning environment. Within such a setting, their personal, social, emotional and academic needs are fully met."

- Dubai Inclusive Education Policy Framework 2017

Learning support, English as an Additional Language and Counselling staff work collaboratively to support students, staff and parents in order for them to learn together in an inclusive environment.

Depression and Grief

Whenever you think that someone you know is in danger of suicide, get help. Suggest that he or she talk with a Teacher, Counsellor or Administrator immediately. If your friend refuses, take it upon yourself to talk with an SAS Counsellor for advice on handling the situation. If it's a weekend or evening, please call your Counsellor, the Academy nurse, or another adult that you trust and ask for help.

The following websites provide useful guidance on emotional support:

Teen Mental Health

Dedicated to helping improve the mental health of youth by the effective translation and transfer of scientific knowledge. Read More

Anxiety Disorders

The National Institute of Mental Health gives a sketch of each known anxiety disorder and has a keyword search to help identify symptoms. Read More


Although stress at its worst literally can be a killer, total eradication of stress is not ideal, either. This site helps you find your optimal level of stress and learn how to maintain it. Read More

Let's Talk about Depression 

Approximately 4% of adolescents get seriously depressed each year. This National Institute of Mental Health site discusses the topic of depression. Read More

Suicide Prevention

FAQ on suicide, symptoms of depression and suicidal danger signs, most common misconceptions about suicide, what students should do if a friend had depression, what hospitalization does for depressives and a recommended reading list. Read More


The web site of Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention, a non-profit organisation devoted to the awareness and prevention of eating disorders. Read More

Child Safeguarding and Protection



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