GEMS World Academy - Dubai Recycling Initiatives
At GEMS World Academy - Dubai both teachers and children are involved in the recycling schemes and other activities to improve the environment in a fun way. The Academy also provides education to the children about the importance of recycling and the environment providing a path to a greener future. Following are the ways GEMS World Academy - Dubai involves in the recycling schemes and recycling activities for the whole academic community.
Paper/Cardboard Recycling
- In GEMS World Academy - Dubai paper and cardboard is the main form of waste created, making up at least a quarter of all its rubbish.
- Paper-recycling bins are kept in corridors and main areas of the Academy.
- Clearly labelled paper collection scheme has been set up for each classroom by making ‘paper only’ boxes for the children and teachers to put used paper in.
- Cardboards are collected directly from the classes by the cleaning team and placed in the designated area ready for collection by the waste management companies.
- Students are involved in this process by creating posters and bright labels for the recycle bins.
- The paper recycling scheme is reiterated by the teachers and ECO committee members in classes and assemblies to inform the other students.
Plastic bottles recycling:
- PET plastic bottles are collected in separate bins which are placed in a number of areas around the Academy
- The whole academic community involves themselves in not only recycling the bottles collected at the campus but also bring in from their homes.
- These bottles are directly collected by the company that reuses these bottles in making fibre and in-turn polyester T-shirts.
E-waste Recycling
- E-Waste recycling schemes are run at an ongoing basis at GEMS World Academy - Dubai.
- At Academy printer cartridges, light bulbs, wires, used electrical equipment etc. are properly disposed of.
- Whole academic community including the parents are involved during the e-waste drives.
- All the E-waste collected by the Academy are given to e-waste companies for recycling.
Composting Scheme
- At GEMS World Academy - Dubai Teachers and children are involved in making the compost by adding items such as tea bags, coffee granules, fruit and vegetable cuttings from the cafeteria.
- From the Academy garden, leaves, plant cuttings and grass trimmings are also added to the compost heap.
- This compost is used in the organic vegetable garden which is run by the ECO committee members.
Environment Week
During the environment week the students are involved in a number of fun activities that educate them about recycling and its importance to the environment. Below are some of the activities that are carried out in the Academy:
- Word search puzzles allowing the pupils to explore the different terms related to recycling.
- Naming that symbol game where pupils became familiar with recycling symbols.
- Arts and crafts which is an excellent way of recycling materials, and demonstrated to the pupils that recycling can be fun.
- Questionnaires allow the pupils to use their brain to show what they know about recycling.
- Class discussions that allowed pupils to express their opinions on recycling.
- Inter Academy drawing competitions to cultivate creativity while also spreading awareness on the current sustainability issues.
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